No matter what the weather!

I used to think that they were just “age” spots, but after having them biopsied to find out they were BCCs which meant spending a little time under the plastic surgeon’s knife.   And after having four different areas of my face, neck and top of head doing some surgery time, my dermatologist gave me a well-earned lecture about using a daily moisturiser with SPF & yes, even if I’m in the skincare industry I still needed to be starkly reminded of applying some smart sun thinking.  

However, now as we near the end of the summer season, the weather is fluctuating up and down and will eventually get a little cooler – so does that mean we don’t need to use an SPF moisturiser?   Absolutely not – this should be an essential part of everyone’s daily routine especially down here in Australia where the ozone layer is much thinner and the chances of damaging your skin is just as likely whether there are clouds or clear skies. 

So, look after your skin - you’ve only got one shot!


Do I need to oil & wax?


It’s a whole new world