What’s trending, the latest “on fleek” ingredient!

How do you know what’s the latest trend?   The world of skin care is constantly evolving which is a good thing – what was tried and tested 20 years ago may no longer be as effective as we once thought. For example, Retinol (part of the Vitamin A family) is one of the body's key nutrients for boosting cell turnover. Retinol is probably among the most well-known and well-studied cosmetic actives around today. 

Speaking with Armelle Sebbag, BDM for Avenir Ingredients but also a Cosmetic Chemist, she explained that Retinol can stimulate the production of new collagen and it can counteract skin aging plus help to improve the appearance of UV- damaged skin. Collagen is the main structural protein of the extracellular space in various connective tissues and it is the most abundant protein in the human body. However, collagen is a large molecule composed of over 1,000 amino acids which makes it too big to penetrate the skin and have significant anti-aging benefits.   The most popular collagen currently used today is from fish scales which is not suitable for vegans and not sustainable.

Armelle said that as technology and consumer demands evolve, there are alternatives that are stable and sustainable.  Avenir Ingredients together with their partner Lipotrue recently launched two new ones produced in Wild Plants as Biofactories; the first one called Reneseed™ which contains plant-Transforming Growth Factor Beta-2 also known as the seed of youth for our skin. It has a retinol and retinoic acid-like activity in terms of collagen production efficacy.   And a new fully functional Collagen Type 1 fragment called Col-Frag remastered™ which acts as a building block and booster for collagen synthesis, tightens the dermis and epidermis, reducing wrinkles & enhancing skin brightness.

So if you want to stay on top of the game, let the future of innovation inspire you.


It’s a whole new world


Men need a little bit of care too!